[ Chapters – 26 ]
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Zach is staring at the forest goddess painting in Harry’s mansion when its maskless owner approaches and inquires about his departure plans. Zach responds with a noncommittal answer and the two begin to discuss the large painting lamenting those lost during the case.
During this conversation Harry admits that his last name isn’t really Stewart but is actually Woodman confessing to Zach that he was George’s absent father. Harry explains he took off because his wife suffered from a mental illness and he didn’t have the “courage” to help her or their son. I got to say this flimsy excuse of his really pisses me the fuck off and made me dislike Harry quite a bit…I mean he straight up abandoned his son and left him to grow up in an abusive household with a cruel and mentally unstable woman that Harry couldn’t bear to be around. With parents like that it’s no wonder George had such a fucked up view of the world and craved the attention and praise from a creep like Kaysen. If only Harry took his son away with him this whole tragedy may have been avoided.
Well, at least Harry admits that much…
Zach is soon cruising down the hill from the mansion in the back of Harry’s limo. Zach spots Emily in a red dress near the side of the road and immediately asks Michael to stop the car. Upon following Emily into the forest Zach runs into Jim, the Ingram twins, and Willie taking a morning walk.
As Jim and Zach talk the twins run off to the side and begin to converse with an unseen person or persons in an empty clearing. Isaach is handed something then then hands Zach Emily’s gold leaf necklace. The twins then explain that Emily’s standing there with another Zach and that she was too embarrassed to give the necklace to Zach herself. York, Emily, and the other Greenvale victims then materialize and smile fondly at Zach. The twins proclaim that Emily really likes Zach which the agent denies and explains that the one she really likes is York, the man standing beside to her.
After the twins and Jim depart to continue their stroll through the woods Zach speaks directly to York and Emily. He tells them he’s glad they are doing okay and that he’s figured out why George carried Anna’s body all the way into the forest. He believes George did it for the twins and that he wanted them to be the ones find her. Which, I’m sorry, is pretty creepy if you ask me… Good thing the twins only saw the Goddess of the Forest Anna and weren’t traumatized by the sight of a mutilated body!
Michael arrives shortly thereafter to hurry Zach back into the waiting limo but his services are soon dismissed as Zach wishes to look around a bit more.
Hey, you didn’t think the game was over so soon now did you? Even though the Greenvale murder case has been solved we still have a lot of unfinished business to take care of around town!
First on our to do list is to complete the remaining Other World replays around town to add some more trading cards to our collection and pick up some cool new infinite weapons. Yeah, I know… technically the main game is done and these new weapons aren’t really necessary but they are pretty fun to use in chapter replays!
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Grab a patrol car and drive all the way to the Community Center and have the last two driving conversations of the game.
Along the way make a pit stop at Heaven & Hell Gas and speak with Gina for a $36 “Info Gathering” Bonus. Uh, why the heck is she talking about Thomas?
When you reach the Community Center enter the purple ring near the tower and start the Other World replay.
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This is actually the shortest and easiest of the remaining Other World replays. You simply need to follow the [Agent Honor (Blue)] trail up fifteen or so flights of stairs dodging/killing Shadows along the way until you reach the level with the bed to sleep on. Pick up the [Bait (Legend Worm)] and make sure to stock up on [First Aid Kit (Mediums)] that infinitely re-spawn on the shelf then exit the room through door at the top of the stairs.
Once you reach the room where Emily and Thomas fought head on to the large platform and pick up [Trading Card No. 41 (Mad Wild Dog)] and the [Agent Honor (Red)] hidden behind the boxes and exploding barrel to the left.
Leave the platform and continue up the stairs into the room where Thomas had imprisoned York. Be careful busting through the door as there’s two Shadows waiting inside to ambush Zach! Once these Shadows are disposed of pick up three more [Agent Honor (Reds)] and the [Grass Cutter (∞)] off the wooden chair then leave the Other World via purple ring behind the chair.
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Use the radio and warp directly to the Galaxy of Terror. Head around to the back of the building and enter the purple ring to start the next Other World replay.
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Follow the trail of [Agent Honor (Blue)] towards the the bar in the back of the room. Pick up a [Country Ham] off one of the small tables to the right and a can of [Root Beer] from behind the bar then exit the room through the door on the left.
Pass through a short hallway into a large room full of mannequins and dressing tables. Head through the red door on the right side of the room and travel through several rooms where a Raincoat Killer chase sequence took place. Once you reach the room with a purple exit ring and a row of white armchairs enter the open doorway to the east into a dead end room and pick up some [Crackers] hidden inside a wooden box and a [Lollipop] off dressing table.
Return to the purple exit ring room then travel through the open doorway to the west. Continue west through another room and pick up three [Agent Honor (Red)] in another dead end room.
With this honor in hand return to the purple exit ring room and resume following the [Agent Honor (Blue)] trail through the open doorway to the north.
Just outside of the room where York hid from the Raincoat Killer there’s some [10mm Auto Bullets] on a dressing table andanother [Agent Honor (Red)] behind the vine covered mannequins near the back cabinets in the room he hid in as well.
Continue through the side door then follow the open doorways through four more rooms. Exit through the red door in the back and emerge into a long dark hallway lined with mannequins.
Kill the Shadows and destroy the mannequins without the red vines for some extra [Agent Honor (Blue)] then exit through the door at the end of the hall.
Head into the first open stall on the left in the large bathroom and pick up [Trading Card No. 48 (Red Seeds)] near Thomas’ bloody badge that’s pinned onto the stall wall.
Exit the bathroom and defeat the Crawling Shadow blocks the path down the long hallway. At the T-junction head to the left and destroy a stack of small boxes to grab some [Agent Honor (Blue)] and a [First Aid Kit (Small)]. Continue down the hall to the right and defeat three more Crawling Shadows and a pair of Armed Shadows then exit through the door at the end of the hall.
In the next room, where York previously had to solve a spotlight puzzle, you can pick up the can of [Root Beer] off of the record player and two [Agent Honor (Reds)]. Exit the room through the opposite door framed by red curtains.
Continue to follow the trail of [Agent Honor (Blue)] down another long hall lined with mannequins. Midway down the hall enter the small alcoves on the left and right and grab an [Agent Honor (Red)] and a [First Aid Kit (Small)] hidden inside wooden boxes. Exit through the door at the end of the hallway.
After you turn the first corner and crawl over some boxes in the large storage room you’ll see two Shadows step out from behind some shelves on either sides of the path. Kill both Shadows then head down the small alcoves the Shadows had emerged from and pick up three [Agent Honor (Reds)] and a [First Aid Kit (Medium)].
Return to the main path then make a right at the next junction to pick up a [Saber] then turn around and exit through the door at the back of the room.
In the next storage room kill any Shadows and destroy any large boxes that block the your path forward (one of these large boxes contains a [Can of Pickles]) then continue through door at the back of the room.
After you turn the corner in the next room destroy the boxes that block the path forward and grab some [5.56mm x 45 Bullets]. Head to the left next and exit through the door into yet another storage room.
This storage room is a bit darker than the previous ones since it was the room where the second Raincoat Killer chase sequence occurred. With the killer gone we can take a much more leisurely stroll this time around. Pick up some [ .375 Magnum Bullets] off a shelf then fight or dodge your way through a number of Shadow enemies through the maze of shelves into the next storage room.
Behind the line of fire to Zach’s right is a [First Aid Kit (Medium)] which you can collect by walking around the row of shelves then back tracking back to the line of fire.
Follow the trail of [Agent Honor (Blue)] behind the shelves and to the left through the door at the back of the room and make sure to pick up the [Root Beer] off one of the shelves along the way!
Head directly through the next storage room filled with fire and Shadows then enter the final room of this replay.
Step up onto the stage to the right and collect the [5.56 Assault Rifle CQB (∞)] off the piano and the cluster of eight [Agent Honor (Red)].
Exit the stage and destroy the small boxes stacked by the wall for a [First Aid Kit (Large)] then enter large purple ring on the other side of the room to leave the Other World.
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Leave the Galaxy of Terror then drive or radio straight over to the Greenvale Sheriff Department. Enter the purple ring by the red trees to begin the next Other World replay.
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Make a right down the hallway andgrab the [Agent Honor (Red)] from around the corner then return to the entrance. Follow the hallway to the left and destroy the boxes that block the path around the corner and pick up some [12 Gauge Shotgun Shells] and another [Agent Honor (Red)] by an exploding barrel.
Continue down the hall dodging or killing the Shadows along the way and enter the only interactive door to Zach’s left.
Destroy the boxes and exploding barrels inside the next room forsome [Agent Honor (Blue)] and a [Stabilizer] then exit through the door to the back.
Follow the [Agent Honor (Blue)] teail through the door to George’s office and enter a large room with deer heads lining the walls. It’s a bit more crowded this time around Shadow wise so be ready to fight to reach the exit in the back of the room.
In the next hallway enter the first interactive door on the left and pick up the [Thomas’ Biscuit] off Thomas’ desk in the middle of the small room.
Leave the room and head through the door at the end of the hallway into the large room the Raincoat Killer had originally thrown his Axe repeatedly at York. Search around and grab the [Golf Club] and the three [Agent Honor (Red)] scattered around before exiting the room.
In the next room pick up a [First Aid Kit (Small)], [Cola], and an [Agent Honor (Red)] then immediately exit through the back door.
In the storage room filled with filing cabinets proceed through the door directly in front of Zach into a long hallway. Enter the small room with the toolbox and a bed to sleep on and pick up the [Can of Pickles] off the table and the six [Agent Honor (Red)] in the back.
Return to the room with the filing cabinets then search the first interactive cabinet on the right to pick up a [Stabilizer] and the second cabinet to the left for a [First Aid Kit (Medium)] then exit the room via the back door
Follow the trail of [Agent Honor (Blue)] until you reach a large storage room that’s on fire. On the shelves to the left is a plate of [Smoked Salmon] and in the back right corner are three [Agent Honor (Reds)] and a [First Aid Kit (Small)]. Pick up these items then exit through the door around the corner.
Run directly through the next two rooms. Open the door to Zach’s left into a small room containing a few large boxes and Emily’s desk. Pick up the the twelve [Agent Honor (Red)] scattered around the room, the [Emily’s Bagel Sandwich] off the desk, and destroy the boxes in the corner for a [Root Beer].
Return to the main room and continue forward through a large metal door that automatically opens upon Zach’s approach.
In the next room Zach must run by several shooting stalls containing Shadows armed with shotguns. There’s several boxes and barrels that block the path to the exit so it is best to kill each Shadow before you move forward so you don’t get shot while trying to move or destroy the objects that block the path. Exit through the automatic metal door in the back.
Head to the back of the cell block for three [Agent Honor (Reds)] then enter the only open cell in the room. Pick up [Trading Card No. 47 (Reversed Peace Sign)], destroy the boxes and barrels inside for some extra [Agent Honor (Blue)], then exit through the double doors in the back of the cell.
Pick up the [Agent Honor (Red)] then climb the long stairs and collect all the [Agent Honor (Blue)] scattered along the way. There’s are also several boxes and barrels off to the sides that you can destroy to pick up some [5.56 x 45 Bullets], a bar of [Chocolate], a [First Aid Kit (Medium)], [12 Gauge Shotgun Shells], as well as an [Ice Axe] and [Shovel] leaning against the walls. At the top collect ten [Agent Honor (Reds)] and the [Axe
(∞)] stuck in log in the right corner. With all these items in hand exit the Other World through the purple ring to the left.
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A & G Diner
From the Sheriff Department head directly over to the A & G diner. Speak with Olivia inside three times for $108 in “Info Gathering” bonuses. It would seem Nick’s arrest and this case was a real test on the Cormack’s marriage but they persevered and things are looking brighter than ever. According to Olivia Nick is even trying to smile more though he’ll still bite your head off if you try to enter his kitchen.
Harry and Michael may drive up to the diner around 10:20-ish. Now this may not be the case in your play through. I’ve found that character schedules can change if you try to move time forward by smoking and even if a character is supposed to be somewhere at a particular hour. This happens most often when you smoke while a character is traveling and their position end up resetting. In my current play through Harry and Michael just happened to be outside the diner so if this is the case for you be sure to talk with the both for $72 in “Info Gathering” bonuses.
If you can’t catch these two outside don’t worry as neither say much of consequence until they are both inside the diner anyway and they will usually be in there between 10:30 and 11:00. Speaking with both inside you’ll earn another $72 in bonuses and learn that Harry will take care of Nick for the troubles he went through during the case.
Greenvale Hospital
Leave the Diner and radio over to the Hospital and speak with Fiona at the front desk to receive her thanks for solving the case. Proceed down the hall into the exam room and speak with Ushah about his progress with the autopsies and upcoming symposium talk for another $108 in “Info Gathering” bonuses. Ushah is one of the characters we will speak multiple times with during this chapter as he has some interesting and funny conversations with Zach!
Milk Barn
Radio over to the Milk Barn and speak with Lilly three times for $108 in “Info Gathering” bonuses to get her reactions to the end of the investigation. What’s interesting though is when Zach mentions that Emily is with York, Lilly has no idea who “York” is. Hmm makes sense I guess I don’t think she ever witnessed the Zach talk to himself…
Keith is here but he won’t have much to say until we return the [Legendary Guitar Grecotch] to him… which we will do once all the Other World replays are over. For now, stock up on cigarettes, coffee, and food items from him that we’ll need when we fast forward time. Then before you go purchase [Spiritual Map C] to begin Side Mission #16 and hear another spooky tale from Keith about the GV Electrical Substation:
Lysander’s Junkyard
Radio or drive over to the Lysander’s Junkyard and speak with the General twice for $72 in “Info Gathering” bonuses and buy any new resident cars if you wish.
Albireo Graveyard
Drive over to the graveyard next and speak with Brian for another bonus. Apparently he sees Emily and the other victims have returned the forest but has not seen George. Hmm can’t say I’m surprised…
Jim’s Cabin
It should be around 11:00 by this point, if not smoke until it is then head over to Jim’s cabin and speak with him and the twins inside for some additional bonuses. Now that the case is over Jim is being much more friendly towards Zach which is nice. The twins let Zach know that they made a promise to York to grow up big, strong and to study hard. :3 Can’t say I remember this conversation during the course of the investigation but it could have occurred sometime after York joined Emily in the forest.
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Anna’s House
At 12:00 head over to Anna’s House and check in with Sallie for $72 in “Info Gathering” Bonuses. It’s nice to see her less distraught. Quint may be pulling up outside the home by this point and you can speak with him for another bonus about Sallie’s improved mood as well.
Jims Cabin
Radio back to Jim’s cabin then smoke outside until it is 13:00. Head inside have a nice long chat with the caretaker about his wife who passed years ago. Like I said before, the man has really opened up since the case closed!
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Use the radio to warp to the front gates of Harry’s mansion then make the long drive all the way up the hill. If you haven’t had the last two driving conversations yet now’s definitely the time!
Collect the four [Agent Honor (Red)] scattered around the front of the house then enter the purple ring to the left of the Mansion’s entrance to replay the last Other World.
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Head through the double doors and pass the piano into the large dining area. Pick up the [First Aid Kit (Small)] on the dining table on the right and a plate of [High Quality Beef] off the table in the center of the room.
Leave through the side door on the right and enter a forked hallway. Head down the path to the right to grab the [Agent Honor (Red)] at the end of the hall. Return to the fork and follow the path to the left and exit through the double doors.
In the small courtyard with a ring calvary statues and a bunch of Shadows collect the three [Agent Honor (Red)] then re-enter the mansion through the side door.
Make an immediate right and pick up a [Turkey Sandwich] off a white chair directly behind the fallen calvary statues.
Turn around and follow the [Agent Honor (Blue)] trail down the long hallway. At the end of the hall to the left, is a small hallway that leads to a guest room containing a sleeping spot and tool box. Inside the bathroom is a [Bait (Knife Worm)] you can also add to your inventory.
Leave the guest room and exit the hallway through the door at the end of the hall and enter the balcony overlooking Velvet Falls.
Head to the left and dispose of any Shadows that block the path. Pass the entrance back into the mansion and grab the [Agent Honor (Red)] at the far end of the balcony.
Turn around and re-enter the mansion with caution as two Shadows will jump Zach immediately from the right!
Once the Shadows are disposed of continue to follow the trail of [Agent Honor (Blue)] down hallway then head to the left past several calvary statues holding umbrellas. To the right of the padlocked double doors is a small alcove where a box of [5.56mm x 45 Bullets] and [.357 Magnum Bullets] lie on some of the chairs.
Destroy the padlock and enter the double doors then continue down the hall and through another set of the double doors into the small courtyard with the statue grid puzzle.
Once you dispose of all the Shadows collect the numerous [Agent Honor (Blue)] scattered around and pick up [Trading Card No. 46 (Red Tree)] from the podium of one of the calvary statues in the middle of the courtyard.
Exit the courtyard and head left and shoot the padlock off the double doors at the end of the hall. Grab a [First Aid Kit (Large)] off a chair then turn immediately around and re-enter the hall and enter the small storage room with the women’s clothing through the door on the right. Grab the four [Agent Honor (Reds)] then open the white dresser to pick up a [First Aid Kit (Medium)].
Leave the room and retrace your steps back down the long hallway and past the doors leading into the courtyard. There will be a cluster of Shadows waiting right around the corner and given how tight the hallway is you’ll be forced to dispose of them before you can more forward.
Once the hallway is clear continue down the hall and enter the double doors on the left and enter into a large room overlooking the falls.
Grab the [Agent Honor (Red)] at the back of the room then head down the stairs into Harry’s secret command center. Pick up the [Chain Saw (∞)] off the computer desk in the back of the room then enter the purple ring to exit the Other World.
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If it isn’t 14:00 after you complete the Other World smoke until it is so that the mansion will be open.
Enter the mansion and head directly into the dining room and speak with Michael. Something is definitely up with him since he’s stopped speaking in rhymes but Michael won’t admit that anything is amiss. Grab the [Agent Honor (Red)] by the back windows then speak with Harry to begin Side Mission #22 Greenvale Trivia:
This side mission is pretty simple just correctly answer three of Harry’s questions from the multiple choices given and he will give you [Trading Card No. 02 (Francis York Morgan (Child))].
Q. What type of dog did Forrest Kaysen own?
A. Dalmatian
Q. In Diane’s art gallery, most of the paintings are of what?
A. Trees
Q. What did York consider a big problem after Emily visited him in the hotel?
A. Emily had been thinking about Zach
Q. Which of the following was Anna Graham’s dream?
A. To become a model in the city
Q. What makes the owner of the gasoline stand, Jack the Raging Bull talk?
A. Benjamin Franklin
Q. In the beginning, why was Diane out of town?
A. Was at an art auction
Q. Wesley’s gun shop, Panda Bear is open during which of the following hours?
A. 20:00 – 06:00
Q. What are the names of George’s dumbbells?
A. Arnold and Sylvester
Q. What did Thomas call Emily’s cooking?
A. Amazon frontier cooking
Q. Sheriff’s assistant Thomas also worked at which of the following locations?
A. Carol’s “Galaxy of Terror”
Q. Where was Becky killed?
A. In the bathroom
Q. What did the twins attack York with?
A. Scissors
Q. The keeper of the woods Jim Green. Who is he the father of?
A. Lilly Ingram
Q. What was written on the Velvet Falls cup?
A. The big fish are biting at Velvet Falls
Q. Who does the cooking, Nick or Olivia?
A. Nick
Q. Richard’s son Quint. What is his favorite pastime?
A. Tinkering his bike
Q. Who had lunch at the hotel with Polly when it rained?
A. Forrest Kaysen
Q. Sigourney always carries around a certain item. What is it?
A. A pot
Q. What were Carol’s first words (not sure if this is exact I need to double check)
A. “Anna was an airhead”
Head through the side door and enter Michael’s bedroom. Grab the [Agent Honor (Red)] by the wardrobe then observe Michael’s diary on the desk, which is super rude if you ask me, to start Side Mission #23 Incomplete Treasure:
Michael says he had lost a “most precious object” while he was at the diner. Find it and give it back to him. He is at home between 21:00 and 22:30. Talk to him when Harry isn’t there.
According to Michael’s diary he has misplaced a special [Bird Carving] Harry gave him. He’s search all of the Mansion and the car but has had no luck finding it.
It’s a pretty simple mission we just need to head over to A & G diner and pick up the [Bird Carving] inside and return it to Michael when Harry isn’t around.
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A & G Diner
Leave the mansion then drive or radio over to A & G Diner. You’ll find the [Bird Carving] on the seat in the farthest empty booth on the right. We won’t be able to return this to Michael until after 21:00 when he’s alone so let’s talk with some more people to kill the time until then!
Radio over to SWERY’65 then smoke until 14:30 so Richard’s trailer will be open. Head inside and speak with father and son as they’re eating lunch for another $72 in “Info Gathering” bonuses.
Greenvale Hospital
Immediately radio over to the hospital and speak with Ushah down in the autopsy room about his desire to play chess with Zach. It’s an amusing exchange as York, the real chess master, has left the clueless Zach in such an awkward situation…
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Radio back over to SWERY’65 then smoke until 16:00 then and speak with Quint and Richard briefly in their separate trailers.
Speaking with Richard earns you a $36 “Info Gathering” bonus and he’ll mention that he needs a new and bigger trailer to fit three people. It looks like he and Sallie will be living together soon. Though I’m curious why they don’t just move into Sallie’s home instead? Maybe there’s too many bad memories there given Anna’s death?
Next speak with Quint twice in his trailer to learn his future road trip plans for another $72 in bonuses.
Smoke until 21:00 then head inside the bar to speak with Richard again three times and learn how he feels about Zach, the strange request George gave him regarding Emily, and the origin of the bar’s name.
Next speak with Quint twice about his feelings on Richard and Sallie’s new relationship then talk with Sallie, who’s now moving about the bar serving customers instead of drinking, for a total of $144 in bonuses!
Leave the bar and drive over to the Graveyard to speak with Brian. He’ll give an ominous warning about how the reds seeds remain even though Kaysen is gone. It would seem even though we’ve taken down Kaysen the threat of the Red Tree and its other agents are still loom over the world 🙁
Harry’s Mansion
Radio back to the mansion gates then make the long drive back up the hill. Enter the mansion and speak with Michael inside his bedroom to return his precious [Bird Carving] and complete Side Mission #23:
Harry enters the room soon after Zach returns the carving and Michael is presented with the missing eyes. The [Bird Carving] is finally complete and as a thank you Michael hands over [Trading Card No. 50 (Liquified Food)].
With this new card in our possession we can finally complete our last trading card Side Mission!
Panda Bear
Radio over to Panda Bear then head inside and speak with Wesley to complete Side Mission #39: Top Collector:
In return for showing him all of our cards Wesley will hand over the [Light Sword (∞)] a top secret government weapon. Now how the hell did he get his hands on something like this? Maybe Wesley secretly works in the defense department?
Speak with Wesley two more times and learn that he’s packing up to leave Greenvale himself. Makes me a bit sad he thinks no one will miss him around town 🙁 Before you leave the shop make sure you have both the [.357 Magnum (∞)] and [10mm Submachine Gun (∞)] in Zach’s inventory. If not grab them both from the tool box in the shop as you’ll need to use them both in the next section.
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Now it’s time to complete our final map quest and pick up the last bonus weapon of the game! Drive over to the Electrical Substation then enter the purple ring to begin Side Mission #16:
Weapon: .375 Magnum (∞) | Shots: 5 Direct Hits
This boss battle isn’t too difficult. First thing you want to do is make sure the [Weather Doll] is in the upright position in your inventory so Zach’s health will slowly reload if he is ever hit by one of Thomas’s attacks then be ready dodge one of his three attacks whenever prompted:
You’ll have the most luck hitting Thomas while he’s standing on the gears closest to Zach, but it is possible to hit him when he’s standing anywhere. Unfortunately, targeting him while he’s on the gears is useless so you’ll have to make the shots by sight and manual aim alone.
The best moment to get in a lot of shots in is when Thomas stands on that large hooked chain! Listen for the horn and be prepared to lock on when he starts swinging towards you. Complete all the button prompt to dodge the swing and then target him again while he’s stationary and rising to the ceiling.
Using the magnum you can take Thomas down in just five direct hits!
Once you defeat Thomas you’ll enter a small room with some [5.56mm x 45 Bullets] to the left of a record player. Reload your [.357 Magnum (∞)] and then turn the [Weather Doll] upside down so Zach’s health will slowly reload if he is ever hit in the upcoming fight with George. Once you are all set proceed through the door to start the next battle.
Weapon: .375 Magnum (∞) | Shots: 8 Direct Hits
George has several attacks that involve quick time events to evade.
George is only vulnerable on the scars on his back which are unfortunately only exposed briefly after he attacks. The
[.357 Magnum (∞)] is best weapon to use during this fight since it’s the strongest firearm and it’s easier to target the limited area at a distance and prevent getting caught in a quick time event.
To get in a good shot hold your ground and wait for George to charge forward. Side step his attack by hitting the bumpers, then complete a quick 180° turn and shoot his back once it is exposed after his initial axe swing. Be careful though, if you are too close to George a quick time event will occur which will cause York to dive off to the side and you’ll miss your chance to shoot.
Another good opportunity to hit George is when he stands still and taunts Zach. Listen for the sound of his axe hitting his hand then run around and target his back before he moves.
After a direct hit using either method above George will fall to his knees and momentarily leave his back exposed for a second shot. Try not to miss this opportunity!
Using the [.357 Magnum (∞)] you can deplete George’s life bar in just eight direct hits!
Weapon: .375 Magnum (∞) | Shots: 8 Direct Hits
George is bigger but his attacks are the same:
Continue using the [.357 Magnum (∞)] and repeat the offensive tactics used during the first phase of the battle. His life bar should completely deplete after eight direct hits!
Weapon: 10mm Submachine Gun (∞) | Shots: Short Burst
This last portion of the battle is super easy. George stands in place and throws the axe towards York. Switch to the [10mm Submachine Gun (∞)] and shoot the axe as it flies toward Zach’s head. Once you hit it enough times the axe will change direction and fly directly into George’s chest.
You’ll return to the small room after George’s defeat. A [First Aid Kit (Medium)] will appear on the side table. Reload the [.357 Magnum (∞)] then turn the [Weather Doll] right side up so Zach’s health will slowly reload if he is ever hit in the upcoming fight with Kaysen. Once you are all set proceed through the door to start the next battle.
Weapon: .375 Magnum (∞) | Shots: Approximately 60 Direct Hits
Kaysen has two attacks can be evaded by completing simple quick time events:
This battle is simple but a bit tedious since it takes quite a bit of ammunition to take Kaysen down and he’s only vulnerable briefly in certain positions. It also doesn’t help that the most powerful range weapon in your arsenal, the [.357 Magnum (∞)], only holds four bullets at a time so you’ll only get a few shots in while Kaysen’s vulnerable before you are forced to reload and the time window to inflict damage has closed.
Shoot Kaysen one to two times with the [.357 Magnum (∞)] and make him drop from ceiling. Since his back is invulnerable it is best to wait until Kaysen is facing Zach straight on before taking any shots so you won’t waste time and bullets shooting him with no effect. You’ll know when you’ve made a direct hit on Kaysen when purple blood spurts out of him from where you made a shot.
Once Kaysen falls to the floor to he’ll perform his roll attack so reload your gun as soon as he lets go of the ceiling then be ready to move out of the way as soon as he shoots towards Zach.
If you are successful in evading the Kaysen’s roll attack he’ll land in the middle of the front row on his back and struggle briefly to get back up. While he’s in this vulnerable position lock on an fire at him. It’s possible to get at least four direct hits before Kaysen returns to the ceiling and repeats his attack cycle.
Using the [.357 Magnum (∞)] it is possible to deplete Kaysen’s life bar after sixty or so direct hits.
You’ll return to the small room immediately after you defeat Kaysen’s first form. A box of [.357 Magnum Bullets] will also appear on the side table. Proceed through the door to start the next battle.
Weapon: N/A
Kaysen chases Zach down a long winding staircase and will attack whenever even he gets too close. To evade these attacks you must press the correct button sequence that flashes on the screen.
Since you only have to run for the most part during this sequence it may seem like a piece of cake but like the previous Raincoat Killer chases Zach’s movement is unfortunately controlled by wiggling the left analog stick side to side… which you will have to perform constantly for roughly three minutes before to making it to the exit.
The best strategy in this fight is to immediately turn the [Weather Doll] in your inventory upside down so Zach’s health will slowly reload if he’s hit then pause the game every now and then to give your hand a break from the frantic side to side motion.
After you defeat Kaysen’s second form you’ll return to the small room once again and a [Thomas Biscuit] will appear to the right of the record player. Reload your [.357 Magnum (∞)] if necessary then turn the [Weather Doll] upside down so Zach’s health will slowly reload if he is ever hit in the upcoming fight. Once you are all set proceed through the door to begin the final battle.
Weapon: .375 Magnum (∞) & 10mm Submachine Gun (∞) |
Shots: Approximately 34 Direct Hits + 1 hit with 10mm Submachine Gun
During this last fight sequence Kaysen has three main attacks, two of which can only be avoided by physically moving out of the way:
Kaysen is only vulnerable through the small doll clutched in his right hand which unfortunately is a bit hard to target at a distance so you you’ll have to get pretty close to the guy. With the [.357 Magnum (∞)] equipped aim at the doll’s face and chest and fire only when the cross hairs form a cross. Unfortunately auto aim is useless in this situation since it will only target the large and invulnerable Kaysen and not the doll. When you’ve made a direct hit you’ll see purple blood spurt from the doll and the large Kaysen howl in pain. The doll is briefly invulnerable during Kaysen’s pain animation so use this time to reload your gun and only take additional shots once he has settled back down.
Kaysen’s energy attacks are pretty annoying given their frequency and the need to move a safe distance away from Kaysen to evade. Since it is hard to target the doll at a distance you’ll waste time returning to Kaysen’s side again and run the risk of a repeated energy attack before getting more than a few shots into the doll.
Fortunately there’s a way to protect yourself from this attack without having to run too far away from Kaysen using the broken pillars around the perimeter of the clock tower. Since Kaysen’s attack flows from his left hand cramming Zach into the corner of one pillars near the hand holding the doll should block both the initial shock wave and the resulting energy blast.
It’s a bit hard to put into words so I’ve made a little visual diagram to explain what I mean.
Based on Kaysen’s current position Zach should be safe from the energy attack behind both Pillars #2 and #3. (Please note: you can never hide behind Pillar #1 due to the debris preventing Zach from wedging himself all the way into the corner.)
If Kaysen shuffles too far to the left and the hand holding the doll is directly over Pillar #2 or #1 leaving no where to hide on the left side of the area you may be able to hide behind Pillars #3 or #4 but it is not guaranteed you will make it in time and you may be hit by a stray energy beam.
This hiding behind the pillar method works best when you have have at least one or two pillars between Kaysen’s left attack hand and Zach… meaning Kaysen needs to be somewhere between Pillars #3-#5. If Kaysen ends up hovering between Pillars #1 or #2 it is possible guide him towards the right side of the area by essentially running over to that side and wait for him to shuffle closer to you.
Honestly you probably won’t have to guide Kaysen back to the right too often as he generally stays near the center of the area for most of the fight.
Kaysen’s lifebar should deplete after approximately thirty-four or so successful shots into the doll. Once this occurs he’ll turn his back to Zach and hide the doll in his front overall pocket. When the doll is safely tucked away Kaysen will yell “This is the end, Zach” and slam his fist into the ground and release another energy attack.
As soon as Kaysen turns equip the [10mm Submachine Gun (∞)]. After he slams his fist down dodge the resulting energy attack then climb onto his fist and run up his arm. Once you are on his shoulder aim the gun down at his chest and spray the top of the overall pocket with bullets IMMEDIATELY. To end this fight you only need one bullet to hit the doll which is quicker to achieve with a wide spread of bullets over the entire pocket area.
If you make it onto Kaysen’s shoulder and fail to shoot the doll during a brief time window Zach will be thrown off the shoulder and back onto the floor. Kaysen will regenerate all of his life and you’ll have to deplete his life bar once more before you have another opportunity at shooting the doll from his shoulder again. If you mess up the quick time sequence that appears Zach will also take damage from the fall back onto the ground.
Once you defeat Kaysen you’ll return to the small room to pick up your hard earned prize. You’ll find the [RPG (∞)] by the couch. DO NOT ENTER THE PURPLE RING WITHOUT PICKING THIS UP. If you neglect to get the RPG now you will have to repeat the entire side mission to have another chance to add it to your inventory!
Once the RPG is in hand enter the purple ring to complete the map quest!
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After the completion of the the last Map Quest find a sleeping spot and sleep until the Milk Barn opens bright an early at 7:30.
Milk Barn
Speak with both Olivia and Ushah shopping inside for a total of $108 in Info bonuses.
With his precious guitar back Keith is much more talkative so speak with him twice for $72 and learn he’s always had suspicions about George and believed in Nick.
Greenvale Hospital
Radio over to Greenvale Hospital and smoke until it opens at 09:00. Head directly down to the autopsy room and speak with Ushah about Fiona’s attempts to curb his chip addiction for $72 in “Info Gathering” bonuses. It’s a bit scary how poor his diet is given that he’s a doctor…
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Radio over to the Hotel and step into the green ring. Time will skip forward and Zach will be lying in his hotel bed getting ready to fall asleep. If you hit the talk button York will inquire whether Zach is ready to leave. You must select the “There’s still things I want to do” option unless you wish to end the game here and now…
Once you inform York there’s still things Zach needs to do you’ll wake up bright and early inside the hotel room at 07:00. There’s some cute little conversations we can have with Polly in the morning and afternoon that will wrap up the pertinent conversations we can have in Greenvale during clear weather.
Head over to the reception desk and speak with Polly who wonders if Zach is planning on living in the hotel and advises he should rent an apartment here in Greenvale instead.
Next smoke until it’s 12:00 and head over to the back dining room where Polly is cooking her lunch. Speak with her twice and learn of a possible reason for her having such a hard time hearing us talk this entire game!
With these two conversations complete leave the hotel and head straight over to the Graveyard.
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Sleep in the shack in the graveyard until it’s raining at 09:00. You don’t need to worry about eating until you’ve reach the correct time and weather condition since Zach can sleep indefinitely on an empty stomach. Just make sure to fill up once you have the correct time and weather!
Once you have the correct time and weather condition speak with Brian about how the woods are restless when it rains.
Nick’s House
Radio over to Nick’s House and speak with Olivia and Nick inside twice about their reunion after Nick’s release for $144 in “Info Gathering” Bonuses. Boy Nick sure is a charmer…
Greenvale Hosptial
Leave the lovebirds and radio directly over to the Hospital. Speak with Fiona twice and hear her compliment Zach on his looks then head downstairs and speak with Ushah about his need to eat chips.
Keith’s Home
Leave the hospital and radio over to Keith’s house and say your goodbyes to the family inside.
Keith will attempt to get Zach shout while Lilly inquires after Zach’s future plans. It pains me a bit that they are all still in the dark about Kaysen’s true nature. At least with him gone he can no longer hurt the Ingram household!
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Heaven & Hell Gas
Leave Keith’s House then smoke until 12:00 and make the short drive over to Heaven & Hell Gas. Speak with Gina who’s pouting a bit about Zach’s lack of attentions towards her for an additional Info Gathering bonus.
Anna’s House
Next radio over to Anna’s House and head inside to speak with Sallie twice and Richard once on their feelings during the current storm.
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Nick’s House
Leave Anna’s and head back across the street to Nick’s House then smoke until it is 13:00 and speak with the couple again inside the home. Apparently even since Nick’s release he’s helping out around the house and spending less time locked away painting! It’s nice to see Olivia so happy!
Greenvale Hospital
Leave the Cormack’s and immediately radio over to the Hospital to speak with Ushah in the exam room about again his wish to send the bodies of George and Thomas to a big CSI somewhere.
Quint’s Trailer
Next radio over to SWERY’65 and speak to Quint inside his trailer about his resolution to move forward for a $36 “Info Gathering” bonus.
Jim’s Cabin
The last stop this hour is to visit Jim in his cabin and speak with him twice about the book he’s reading and how it relates to his wife.
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Leave Jim’s cabin using the radio to head back to the Hospital. Smoke until it is 14:00 then head down to the autopsy room and speak with Ushah for the last time. The poor guy really wants to play chess with Zach is fed up with the excuses…too bad York isn’t around.
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Leave Greenvale Hospital, smoke until 21:00, then radio over to SWERY’65 to make our final visit to the bar.
Speak with Richard to get his views on the former Sheriff and check in with Sallie to see how she’s holding up. Finally speak with Quint and discuss the horrible mistake he almost made during the investigation.
Panda Bear
Leave the bar and drive down the road to Panda Bear. Head inside to speak with Wesley for the final time and learn some more details of his move plans. Zach sure is sweet to offer him a letter of recommendation for a job at Quantico if things don’t pan out for him in Vegas!
Finally drive over to the Graveyard and speak with Brian one last time and learn that Willie isn’t as innocent as he seems…
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Return to the hotel and enter the green ring. Ignore the talk command or tell York you are still not ready to leave so you’ll wake up at 07:00. Since you entered hotel while it was raining this weather condition should continue while inside the hotel.
Run over to the reception desk and speak with Polly who hints that the rain reminds her of an incident fifty years ago…the day her husband fell into the river, fishing tackle and all.
Speak with her again and she’ll question when Zach plans on leaving and repeats the story of the famous rock star who stayed in his room once.
Smoke until it is 12:00 then find Polly in the back dining room making her lunch. Speak with her again and she’ll lament that with Diane and Kaysen gone she’ll be all alone once Zach leaves 🙁
With these last conversations complete it is finally time for us to bring this investigation to a close…
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Return to bed and tell York you are ready to leave then sit back and enjoy the ending of the game! There’s a cute scene after the credits roll so if you don’t wish to sit through all the credits hit the start button to skip directly to the cutscene.
After the chapter total screen you will be given the option to save your game. You must save your game at this point so that the “Special” option in the title menu will unlock. This is where we’ll pick up the last trading card for our collection!
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Select the “Special” option on the title screen. Inside you’ll find a bunch of Deadly Premonition goodies including photos used in Access Games’ research, music from the game, some of the major game cutscenes and a locked secret door that contains last card we need for our collection.
Unlocking the door
The clue for unlocking the ??? door is written on the note seen briefly when the camera moves to the “Coverage Photos” area of the room.
TV – 35 = Watch the video No. 35 [Epilogue] on the TV. No need to watch the entire video, simply start it then immediately exit by hitting the start button.
JB – 14 = Play Song #14 [Miss Stillettos Heels Full Version] on the Jukebox.
TC – 26 = View Trading Card No. 26 [Polly Oxford] in the binder
PT – 2 – 03 = Open Coverage Photo Set No. 2 and view Nature Photo #3
Once you view all the items above a chime will sound indicating the door is now unlocked and it will remain unlocked until you return to the main game menu. Enter the door and follow the doors in the white rooms with the glowing white bush nearby until you reach the room with York. Speak with him and he will hand you [Trading Card No. 65 (SWERY)].
If you return to the white room and follow the doors again after obtaining this last card you’ll see that Emily has now joined York. Neither will speak but if you talk with them a short moment of them smiling and staring at Zach will play.
Once you’ve obtained the last card exit the special room save your game when prompted to permanently add the card to your collection!
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Even though we’ve completed the game and investigated the “Special” menu option on the title screen there’s still a bit more to see in Deadly Premonition! If you reload your game, choose “resume,” then finish chapter 26 again you’ll see something a little different the second time around. The game will forgo the usual ending cinematic and skip immediately credits which are then followed by a brand new cut scene. A character (or a group of characters) will appear in a purple void and repeat a line of dialogue spoken during game and add a small item or weapon to your inventory. The characters who appear are random but there only seems to be eight variations that will appear:
So each time to you resume your game and complete chapter 26 you will see new character and receive another item. Don’t worry though, it is still possible to see the original ending cinematic! All you need to do is load your game and select Chapter 26 under the “Select Chapter” and play from the beginning of the Chapter. Complete the chapter as usual and the ending cinematic will play once again!
And that should do it! I hope you found this walk through useful during your stay in Greenvale! If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitant to shoot me an email as I would love to hear from you. Thanks again for checking out the guide!